Dynamic Competition Between Orbital and Exchange Interactions Selectively Localizes Electrons and Holes Through Polarons. J. L. Mendes, H. J. Shin, J. Y. Seo, N. L. Lee, Y. J. Choi, J. B. Varley, S. K. Cushing†, (2024) arxiv.org/abs/2411.00770
Towards Nanoscale and Element-Specific Lattice Temperature Measurements using Core-Loss Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy . L. D. Palmer, W. Lee, J. F. Jr. Fajardo, A. A. Talin, T. E. Gage, S. K. Cushing†, (2024) arxiv.org/abs/2411.01071
Direct observation of Rh and La dopant positions in SrTiO3 nanoparticles with atomic-scale electron microscopy. J. T. Mulvey, R. P. Prasad, Z. Chen, L. Palmer, B. Layne, K. Watanabe, M. Xu, A. Talin, X. Pan, A. Kudo, S. K. Cushing†, S. Ardo, J. P. Patterson (2024)
Approaching the Lower Temporal Limit of Laser-Produced Plasma Sources for Table-Top Soft X-ray NEXAFS Measurements, D. Nimlos, A. Arellano, S. K. Cushing†, (2024) arxiv.org/abs/2409.02280
Direct confirmation of a pressure-induced electronic topological transition in cadmium, J. K. Hinton† , D. Schacher , W. Lee, G. A. Smith, E. Siska, C. Park, P. B. Ellison, S. K. Cushing†, C. Schwartz, K. V. Lawler, A. Salamat, Physical Review B 110, 205118 (2024) 10.1103/PhysRevB.110.205118
Oxidizing role of Cu co-catalysts in unassisted photocatalytic CO<sub>2</sub> reduction using p-GaN/Al2O3/Au/Cu heterostructures. M. Zoric, P. Basera, L. Palmer, A. Aitbekova, N. Powers-Riggs, H. Lim, W. Hu, A. T. Garcia-Esparza, H. Sarker, F. Abild-Pedersen, H. Atwater, S. K. Cushing†, M. Bajdich, A. Cordones ACS Nano 18, 30, 19538–19548 (2024) 10.1021/acsnano.4c02088
Hidden correlations in stochastic photoinduced dynamics of a solid-state electrolyte. J. McClellan, A. Zong, K. H. Pham, H. Liu, Z. W. B. Iton, B. Guzelturk, D. A. Walko, H. Wen, S. K. Cushing†, M. W. Zuerch, (2024) arxiv.org/abs/2406.06832
Ultrafast Formation of Charge Transfer Trions at Molecular-Doped 2D MoS2 Interfaces. Y. Jinga, K. Liangb, N. S. Muira, H. Zhoub, Z. Lib, J. M. Palasza, J. Sorbiea, C. Wanga, S. K. Cushing†, C. P. Kubiak, Z. Sofer, S. Li, W. Xiong. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. (2024) DOI:10.1002/anie.202405123
Investigation of nanophotonic lithium niobate waveguides for on-chip evanescent wave sensing. N. A. Harper, E. Y. Hwang, P. A. Kocheril, S. K. Cushing† (2024) https://arxiv.org/abs/2403.04174
Experimental Upper Bounds for Resonance-Enhanced Entangled Two-Photon Absorption Cross Section of Indocyanine Green. M. He, B. P. Hickam, N. Harper, S. K. Cushing† J. Chem. Phys. 160, 094305 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0193311
-Emerging Investigator
Laser-driven ultrafast impedance spectroscopy for measuring complex ion hopping processes, K. H. Pham, S. K. Cushing† Review of Scientific Instruments, 95 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0182323
Highly efficient visible and near-IR photon pair generation with thin-film lithium niobate, N. Harper, E. Hwang, R. Sekine, L. Ledezma, C. Perez, A. Marandi, S. K. Cushing† Optica Quantum 2(2), 103-109 (2024),
Time-resolved chemically-selective spectroscopic investigation of the α-Fe2O3/Al redox reaction, E. Paltanin, J. S. Pelli Cresi, E. Principi, W. Lee, F. Bencivenga, D. De Angelis, L. Foglia, D. Garzella, G. Kurdi, M. Manfredda, N. Denys, A. Simoncig, S. K. Cushing†, R. Mincigrucci, C. Masciovecchio (2024)
Determining Quasi-Equilibrium Electron and Hole Distributions from Plasmonic Photocatalysts using Photomodulated X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy. L. D. Palmer, W. Lee, C. L. Dong, R.-S. Liu, N. Wu, S. K. Cushing† ACS Nano (2023), doi/10.1021/acsnano.3c08181
Antiadiabatic Small Polaron Formation in the Charge Transfer Insulator ErFeO3. Y.-J. Kim, J. L. Mendes, Y. J. Choi, S. K. Cushing† Science Advances, 10 (2023), DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adk4282
Entangled Photon Correlations Allow a Continuous-Wave Laser Diode to Measure Single Photon, Time-Resolved Fluorescence, N. Harper, B. P. Hickam, M. He, S. K. Cushing†, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2023), doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.3c01266
Many-body phonon-ion conduction in solid electrolyte driven by THz modes, K. H. Pham, K. Gordiz, J. M. Michelsen, H. Liu, D. Vivona, Y. Shao-Horn, A. Henry, K. A. See, S. K. Cushing† (2023), https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.01632
Using Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy to Measure Nanoscale Electronic and Vibrational Dynamics in a TEM, Y.-J. Kim, L. D. Palmer, W. Lee, N. J. Heller, S. K. Cushing†, Journal of Chemical Physics (2023), doi:10.1063/5.0147356
-Cover Article
Advancing Chemistry and Quantum Information Science: An Assessment of Research Opportunities at the Interface of Chemistry and Quantum Information Science in the United States. S. K. Cushing, Contributor to National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2023). https://doi.org/10.17226/26850.
Tunable and efficient ultraviolet generation in nanophotonic lithium niobate, E. Hwang, N. Harper, R. Sekine, L. Ledezma, A. Marandi, S. K. Cushing†, Optics Letters, 48, 3917-3920 (2023). doi.org/10.1364/OL.491528
- Optica “Spotlight on Optics”
Measuring photoexcited electron and hole dynamics in ZnTe and modeling excited state core-valence effects in transient XUV reflection spectroscopy, H. Liu, J. M. Michelsen, J. L. Mendes, I. M. Klein, S. R. Bauers, J. M. Evans, Andriy Zakutayev, S. K. Cushing†, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10.1021/acs.jpclett.2c03894 (2023)
Ab Initio Calculations of XUV Ground and Excited States for First-Row Transition Metal Oxides, I. M. Klein, A. Krotz, W. Lee, J. M. Michelsen, S. K. Cushing†, Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2022) 10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c06548
- Invited Special Issue
Ab Initio Prediction of Excited State and Polaron Effects in Transient XUV Measurements of α-Fe2O3,
I. M. Klein, H. Liu, D. Nimlos, A. Krotz, S. K. Cushing†, Journal of the American Chemical Society (2022), 10.1021/jacs.2c03994
Single-Photon Scattering Can Account for the Discrepancies among Entangled Two-Photon Measurement Techniques, B. P. Hickam, M. He, N. Harper, S. Szoke, S. K. Cushing†, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2022) 10.1021/acs.jpclett.2c00865
Quantum Science Concepts in Enhancing Sensing and Imaging Technologies: Applications for Biology, edited by A. F. Johnson, S. M. Moss, A. Bremer, F. Sharples; S.K. Cushing† as a contributor, ISBN 978-0-309-46534-2 (2021), DOI 10.17226/26139
Element-specific electronic and structural dynamics using transient X-ray spectroscopy, H. Liu, I. M. Kelin, J. M. Michelsen, S. K. Cushing†, Chem, 10 (2021), 2569-2584.
-Invited Perspective
Designing high-power, octave spanning entangled photon sources for quantum spectroscopy,
S. Szoke, M. He, B. P. Hickam, S. K. Cushing†, Journal of Chemical Physics, 154 (2021), 244201.
- Invited Special Issue on Quantum Light
Entangled Light-Matter Interactions and Spectroscopy,
S. Szoke, H. Liu, B. P. Hickam, M. He, S. K. Cushing†, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8 (2020), 10732.
- JMCC Early Investigator Issue
Layer-Resolved Ultrafast XUV Measurement of Hole Transport in a Ni-TiO2-Si Photoanode,
S. K. Cushing†, I. J. Porter, B. R. Lamoureux, A. Lee, B. M. Marsh, S. Szoke, M. E. Vaida, S. R. Leone, Science Advances, 6 (2020), eaay6650.
Molecular hot spots in surface-enhanced Raman scattering,
M. Li*, S. K. Cushing*†, G. Zhou, N. Wu, Nanoscale, 12 (2020), 22036
- 2020 Hot Paper
Transient extreme ultraviolet measurement of element-specific charge transfer dynamics in multiple-material junctions,
J. M. Michelsen, W. T. Denman, S. K. Cushing†, SPIE Photonics West, 10926 (2019), 109262A.
Characterization of Carrier Cooling Bottleneck in Silicon Nanoparticles by Extreme Ultraviolet (XUV) Transient Absorption Spectroscopy,
J. Porter, A. Lee, S. K. Cushing†, H.-T. Chang, J. C. Ondry, A. P. Alivisatos, S. R. Leone, J. Phys. Chem. C, 125, 17 (2021), 9319–9329.
Electron thermalization and relaxation in laser-heated nickel by few-femtosecond core-level transient absorption spectroscopy,
H.-T. Chang, A. Guggenmos, S. K. Cushing†, Y. Cui, N. U. Din, S. R. Acharya, I. J. Porter, U. Kleineberg, V. Turkowski, T. S. Rahman, D. M. Neumark, S. R. Leone, Physical Review B, 103 (2020), 064305.
Plasmonic hot carriers skip out in femtoseconds,
S. K. Cushing†, Nature Photonics, 11 (2017), 745
-Invited News and Views